Embed Video: adding videos to your website is an excellent way to place them on search engines for more views. In addition, it also allows users to … [Read more...]
Modernize WP Navigation Menu
The navigation menu is the central element of your website as it acts as a guide to the visitors. We can assist you in improving the site’s … [Read more...]
Identify & Fix broken Links On Wordpress
We audit your WordPress website to identify internal and external links. It allows us to single out broken links on your website that no longer points … [Read more...]
Image Optimization For Faster WP Speed
Our team can cover all your image optimization needs, including replacing or modifying the web page images without affecting image quality. Image … [Read more...]
Wordpress Content Updates
Is there any content on your website that is outdated or needs editing? Or do you want to optimize your content for search engines? We can help! Our … [Read more...]